Online Therapy – Is It As Effective As In Person

During the pandemic to allow for continuity of care most therapists and clients made the move to online therapy. Today the demand for online therapy still exists and there are a variety of online therapy platforms to choose from. Many therapists in individual practice still offer online therapy as a service for clients that prefer the convenience and flexibility it offers.

What Is Online Therapy

Online Therapy or Telehealth takes place remotely. Rather than being in an office together the therapist provides mental health counseling and support over the internet.

Therapists use a HIPPA compliant, secure virtual platform that allows the therapist and client to still have a face-to-face session. The therapist provides the client the information to log on and wait in their virtual waiting room and then will invite them into session. It is that it is possible to meet with multiple family members that may be in different locations offering added flexibility.

Teletherapy Services are being expanded and can be offered via phone sessions, email, text messaging, online chat, and more. Though telehealth has some limitations and disadvantages, it is quickly becoming an important resource for a growing number of people.

Advantages Of Online Therapy

Following are just some of the advantages to meeting virtually.

Increased Accessibility – in areas where there are limited resources online therapy eliminates barriers to treatment.

Convenience & Flexibility in Scheduling – this allows clients to schedule visits when there might be limited time to travel to a session, for example, scheduling a lunchtime appointment virtually would allow the time for a full session. Clients can see a therapist in the comfort of their home and this can be especially helpful for clients with mobility issues, or just busy schedules.

Reduced Stigmaseeking therapy from the comfort of your home can reduce the stigma associated with going to a therapy office and visiting a mental health professional in person.

Cost-Effective – it eliminates travel expenses, cutting out some of the expense of therapy. Virtual services reduce overhead costs for therapists, potentially leading to more affordable services.

Continuity of CareTelehealth allows clients to maintain consistent therapy during situations that might impact in-person sessions, such as travel, weather, or health issues

Access to Specialized CareTelehealth enables individuals to connect with mental health professionals who specialize in certain areas, even if those experts are located far away. This can be particularly beneficial for someone seeking specialized services.

ComfortClients may feel more at ease in their own environment, leading to increased openness contributing to the therapeutic process.

Emergency Preparedness In times of crises or emergencies, telehealth provides a means for individuals to access mental health support without the need to physically travel to a therapist’s office.

Disadvantages of Online Therapy

Although there are many advantages there are also some downsides, following are some of the disadvantages of virtual therapy.

Limited Non-Verbal Cuesit may be more challenging to capture non-verbal cues as effectively as in-person sessions, potentially interfering with the therapist’s ability to fully understand the client’s emotions and reactions.

Technical Issuesconnectivity issues, audio/video glitches, or other technical problems can disrupt the flow of a therapy session, leading to frustration for both the client and the therapist. Some clients, especially older individuals, may struggle with the technical aspects of telehealth platforms, leading to frustration and potential barriers to accessing mental health services.

Privacy Concernsprivacy can be challenging, clients may struggle to find a private space for therapy sessions, creating concerns about confidentiality and clients ability to be completely open.

Lack of Physical PresenceSome clients may find it difficult to establish a strong therapeutic connection without the physical presence of the therapist. Building a personal connection might be more challenging through a screen, potentially affecting the depth of the therapeutic relationship.

Digital Dividenot everyone has access to reliable internet connections or suitable devices, this creates a digital divide that limits the availability of telehealth as an option for certain populations.

Distractionstelehealth sessions may open the client to more distractions in their home environment, potentially impacting the quality and focus of the therapeutic experience.

Difficulty Assessing Safetynot being physically present with the client may make it more challenging for the therapists to assess a client’s safety and well-being accurately as they cannot clearly gauge the client’s environment and non-verbal cues.

Inability to Perform Certain TechniquesSome therapeutic techniques may be easier to demonstrate when client and therapist are together physically, such as some types of bodywork or somatic techniques, they may be challenging to perform in a telehealth setting.

It is important to keep in mind that these disadvantages do not apply universally, and many can be alleviated with preparation and communication between client and therapist.

Is It As Effective As In Person Therapy

The research suggests that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy for many individuals. Numerous studies have demonstrated that remote mental health services, delivered through online video platforms produce positive outcomes that are comparable to traditional face-to-face therapy. Treatment for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder have been shown to be as effective utilizing telehealth services.

Having increased accessibility the therapy services by reducing geographical and mobility barriers, along with the ability to engage in therapy from the comfort of one’s own environment contribute to the success of online therapeutic interventions. Additionally, individuals who might otherwise be hesitant to seek therapy due to stigma or privacy concerns often find online therapy more appealing, and may be more likely to engage in the therapeutic process.


One of the main advantages of online therapy is that it makes therapy more accessible, geography and mobility are no longer barriers. Individuals living in remote areas now have more choices and ways to connect with a licensed therapist.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of therapy can vary whether in person or online based on several different factors. The quality of the therapeutic relationship, engagement and motivation of the client, the skill of the therapist, techniques and treatment approaches, cultural competency of the therapist, accessibility and affordability of therapy services, and more.

Personal choice plays a role as well, when available an individual may choose an in-person therapist to feel more of a connection by being in their physical presence Someone else may prefer the privacy and convenience that comes with being in their own environment by doing Telehealth sessions.

The bottom line is that the effectiveness of therapy comes down to a variety of factors including personal preference and the therapeutic relationship that develops between client and therapist.

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